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wwwe and Reading strengthen contacts for youth and training

Von Judith: wwwe and Reading strengthen contacts for youth and training

Düsseldorf, 06.09.2013 – The Düsseldorf internet company wwwe is again offering work experience placements in media design next year for young students from Düsseldorf’s English twin town of Reading. In August this year, two students from Reading have already got to know the work of web designers at wwwe. wwwe wants to set an example for lively town twinning with its commitment to youth and training.

On Thursday, the 5th September 2013, the head of wwwe, Christoph Preuß, met Marian Livingston, Mayor of Reading, and Robert Dimmick, Chairman of the Reading Düsseldorf Association, in Düsseldorf. The two visitors from Britain were coming to the celebrations of Düsseldorf’s 725th birthday, and to strengthen existing contacts and make new ones. At the meeting Preuß underlined his intention to offer young people in Reading work experience placements for several weeks in the Düsseldorf web department of wwwe once again in 2014. The Mayor said: “With these placements we are carrying on a good old tradition of giving Reading’s young people an understanding of life in Düsseldorf. wwwe is the first business to put learning for a working life at the centre. That makes wwwe’s offer particularly welcome. We hope that in future more students from Reading will take up the offer of completing a placement at wwwe.”

wwwe is taking another step further – the company wants to offer a training place next year to a student from Reading. The young person would then come to Düsseldorf for three years, and achieve the training qualification “Media agent for digital and print media”. The purpose of the offer is to fulfil the initiative THE JOB OF MY LIFE in Düsseldorf. THE JOB OF MY LIFE is an international support programme, which the German Federal Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs and Federal Employment Agency have brought out. The programme is intended to include attractive support measures, that will make training places in Germany a tasty option for young people from the countries of the European Union. “With our offer to a Reading student, we are the forerunners in Düsseldorf in converting THE JOB OF MY LIFE into concrete reality”, declared Christoph Preuß. Mayor Marian Livingston and Robert Dimmick want to support this as much as they can in the search for suitable candidates.

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